====== Dr. Artemis Marjora - Thea D-S ====== {{ photo:artemis_marjora.jpg?300|Artemis Marjora}} Email: [[artemis_marjora@crisis.chaosdeathfish.com]] Maxwell Institute ACCIPITER Perceptual Machine Learning Module (v0.201 Alpha) Field Test #00032: Contents of Dr. Marjora’s Desk SCAN RESULTS Item One: Rectangular identification badge, Maxwell Institute Specifics: * Name: Artemis Marjora. * Position: Grade Gamma, Product Development Division. * Security Clearance: Amber. * QR3 Code Linking to Personnel Resources Database File. Contents of File (Extract): * Employed Since: 09/2069 * Education: PhD, Astrophysics. Alma Mater: [Redacted at Employee’s Request] * Previous Work Experience: [Redacted at Employee’s Request] * Superpowers: Yes. [Specifics Redacted at Employee’s Request] Item Two: Rectangular sheet of printer paper. Contents: Pencil drawing; subtype: doodle. Depicts: Two circles in horizontal alignment, one larger than the other, with an equilateral triangle whose base connects two points in the circles’ interiors, also in horizontal alignment. The apex of the triangle is labeled ‘L4 - ANSHAR’ and linked by a zigzag to the edge of the smaller circle. The intersection point is labeled ‘ZAP!’. Item Three: Maxwell Personal Cloaking Device prototype, partially disassembled. Item Four: Unidentified Object. No match in databases. Item Five: Maxwell Labs Coffee Mug, 2073 Production Run. Contents: Coffee. Full/Empty Status: 50%. Readout: Half-Full Half-Empty Half-Full Half-Empty Half-Full Half-Empty.... ACCIPITER Perceptual Machine Learning Module has encountered an unexpected error and needs to close. Please restart the application. {{tag>bio}} [[user:artemis marjora|Player User Page]]\\ [[gm:user:artemis marjora|GM User Page]]