====== Ivor Irving - Chris V ====== {{ photo:ivor_irving.jpg?300|Ivor Irving}} Email: [[ivor_irving@crisis.chaosdeathfish.com]] Ivor Irving is a well respected member of JeevesCorp, working for their Selection division where he uses his expertise with Neuroscience combined with his technical abilities to further the developments of AI. He is most famous however as a modern day Lazarus. In 2056, while attempting to fix a problem on one of the prototype SolarMax satellites he was killed by an explosion which flung him into earth's atmosphere, protected only by his space suit which was not suitable for re-entry and certainly not equipped for any kind of landing. Eight months before the Lunar Crisis Ivor Irving returned home. Reports are that he was physically healthy though mentally very dazed and confused. He recovered but has been unable to offer any explanation of what happened to him and why he seems to be the same age as when he was believed killed. Speculation about him is rife, some say a freak wormhole transported him through space and time (experts say it would be virtually impossible for him to survive such a transition by any current models); others think he was saved by an unknown hero with mysterious motives (though this wouldn’t explain his lack of aging or why the hero wouldn’t come forward); some say he is a clone (though this wouldn’t explain how he has memories that go up to a few minutes before his death); others that he survived the reentry because he is a robot (though this doesn’t explain how he would have sustained no damage and further doctors have confirmed that he is flesh and bloody). {{tag>bio}} [[user:ivor irving|Player User Page]]\\ [[gm:user:ivor irving|GM User Page]]