====== Samuel Marvin - Jasper R ======
{{ photo:sam marvin.jpg?300|Samuel Marvin}}
Email: [[samuel_marvin@crisis.chaosdeathfish.com]]
Samuel is most well known as the adoptive son of Richard and Walther Marvin the married pair of ex-SPEAR agents (a.k.a Vulcan and Volturnus) who went on a violent, super-enhanced rampage in the late 2030s before being stopped (read: killed) by Battalion and the other members of the original Garuda. Although Samuel has fervently denied any sympathy or involvement with his fathers’ actions, there have always been many in the media who are willing to draw on this connection, and his allegiance was never proved conclusively. Now nominally a recluse, his presence at the summits will be a surprise to most, though his face will be sickeningly familiar to any who saw the tributes for the recent 25 year memorial for his fathers’ victims.
[[user:samuel marvin|Player User Page]]\\
[[gm:user:samuel marvin|GM User Page]]