====== Backup AKA Werner Wartung ====== //We are sorry to inform our clients that Mr. Wartung is still missing and so will be unable to provide his usual backup/storage services. Rest assured that when he does return, the services our company are able to offer you will improve greatly. We would like to remind clients, as per our last communication, that Mr. Wartung's final mission to the Moon, traversing both time //and// space, resulted in almost the entire Moon being restored. We therefore remain confident in the services we are able to offer, despite this temporary setback.// - Company email sent to clients in 2076. //Despite steadfast convictions in the company mission, Backup never returned. To this day, people remain unsure of exactly where he is or what he's doing, but hope that he is having a good time with it, given his contributions in the face of the lunar disaster.// - Footnote in 'The Graphical', bimonthy business magazine, 2115; reflections on businesses of the last century