====== Jazaro - Knight of the Realm ====== "Jazaro was an interesting addition to the short reign of King Isaac I. A hero - or two heroes - he was briefly elevated to hold a large estate in Scotland, near to Noble's own, as well as a knighthood. However, Noble's promises soon proved futile: mere years later, as his machinations were revealed, the falsehood of his royal claim exposed, and his machines defeated by the Knights, Goka and Bagra were among his subjects stripped of their titles, with their attempt at intervention on Isaac's behalf (from atop a large dragon). He continued to serve Noble, however, until eventually retiring." - Extract from “Living in the Shadows: Criminals of the '70s and '80s” by Amanda Holden "Goka or Bagra? Hero or villain? At first, researchers believed the answer was simple: it depends which you got. In hindsight, and in view of Jazaro's later career, it seems that the answer was never so clear cut - certainly, the pair worked together to defeat a number of public enemies, but also showed up in support of King Isaac I's reign. Post Isaac, however, they lived more peaceful and more separate lives. In fact, it soon became a tradition for SuperHub users to attempt to predict their twice-yearly meeting place..." - Extract from “Heroes of the 21st Century” by Kendra Clark