====== NPCS ======
This is a list of all the NPCs played by each GM, and will be updated after each session. In order to contact these NPCs, please send an email to the GM playing them. At the request of a number of Players, pronouns have been included for each of the NPCs. Please note that "they" will be singular unless stated as otherwise.\\ \\ \\ \\ \\
===== Cameron =====
{{ photo_gm:gm_cameron.jpg?200|GM Cameron}}
^ Name ^ Pronoun ^ Description ^ Costume ^ Sessions ^
|Dr. Maru Himura|She|Rothwell Scientist|Lab Coat|1,2,3|
|Chara-Lypi Colonomos|They|The complaints commissioner|Olive Jacket|1|
|??? - Chara-lypi|They| the late Chara-Lypi|Olive Jacket|2,3,4|
|Amélie Torian|She|Rothwell Scientist in charge of the Moon Mission|Black Jacket with Gold Buttons|1,2|
|Seong Han|She|The representative of the planning committee|Cream Jacket|1,5|
|Eris | She | Member of the Furies dead not dead | generally ridiculous clothing|2,3,4,5,6|
|Mr. Rupert|He|An old man concerned about the local bus routes|Fur-lined cloak, Black hat|2,3,4,5,6,7|
|???|He|Janitor at Kamalani Centre|Ridiculous Beard, Cleaning cloth, safety goggles|2,7|
| Director Richards | He | Head of the Rothwell Science Park | Dark Suit Jacket | 2,3,5,6 |
| TheWow | They | Creator of Superhub | Blue Waiscoat | 4,5,6 |
| Markus DeLantos | He | Someone who looks suspiciously similar to the Closest Continuer | Jumper | 4,6 |
| Telestra D’Uscaret | They | A researcher at Rothwell | Labcoat | 5,6,7 |
| ??? | ??? | A journalist | Green Jacket, Hat, Notepad | 6 |
| Hope Roberts | She | A young woman | Cream Jacket | 7 |
| ??? | ??? | A giant non-euclidean gingerbread man | Bobble hat, Fur cape | 7 |
===== Chris =====
{{ photo_gm:gm_chris.jpg?200|GM Chris}}
|Blitz|She|Head of Phoenix division in Garuda.|Gold and black mask, blonde wig.|1,2,3,4,5|
|Sparrow|He|Agent of Lyre division in Garuda.|Blue and green peacock themed mask.|1,2,4,5|
|Keith Inoue|He|Head of Rothwell's outreach program.|Black blazer.|1|
|Sheryl White|She|Head of HR at Mom and Pop Conglomerate|Blue blazer.|2|
|Donna Blake|She|Head of Security at Polaris Industries|Blonde wig|2,3|
|Fabian|He|A guy ranting about demons| |3|
|Celeste L'Éclair|She|Head of HR at Polaris Industries|Peacock tie|3|
|The Wizard of Menlo|He|Thomas Edison|Cape and light bulb mask|3|
|Mercy|They|???|Red and white shield mask.|3,4,5|
|CAITLIN|They|An AI of some sort.|CAITLIN Mask.|4,5|
|Batallion|She|A woman in an exosuit. Member of Garuda.|Armour, crosshair mask.|4|
|Arachnae|They (Plural)|A humanoid mass of nanobots and spider drones.|Goggles, something silver|5|
===== Elynor =====
{{ photo_gm:gm_elynor.jpg?200|GM Elynor}}
^ Name ^ Pronoun ^ Description ^ Costume ^ Sessions ^
| One | He | Boss of the Promptuary in the Heart | Long beige coat, big black book, mask covered in ones | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
| Bird Bomb | He | Commander at the Lookout | Owl mask, green military hat, black jacket | 1 |
| Captain Birch | She | Leader of Environment First | Mask with leaves, curly blonde wig, silver cape | 1 |
| Dennis Brackenbury | He | Manager of the Golden Age Retirement Home | Black jacket | 2 |
| ??? | They | A curious citizen of the world | No notable costuming | 2 |
| Spacetime | They | A universal constant; the manifestation of the concept of Space and Time | Shiny blue robe-top | 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 |
| Duo | She | Second in command of Senary in the Heart | Mask with red even numbers, green jacket | 4, 5, 6, 7 |
| Elenore Perica | She | Wealthy inventor and co-founder of Perica Cybernetics; co-founder of PAT (Parents Against Temple) | Lab coat | 4, 5 |
| Will Drift | He | Party boy with striking resemblance to Drifter | Top hat | 5, 6 |
| ??? | It | Nameless spirit entity | Black and red feather boas | 7 |
===== Jabberwocky =====
{{ photo_gm:gm_jabberwocky.jpg?200|GM Jabberwocky}}
^ Name ^ Pronoun ^ Description ^ Costume ^ Sessions ^
|Eleanore Jeeves|She|CEO of JeevesCorp|Blue jacket|1, 2, 3|
|Magister Excogitatoris|He|Magister of Temple|Wizard hat|1, 2, 3|
|Dr Kelly Moon|She|Head of Research for Gamasot|Lab coat|1, 2, 3, 4, 5|
|Fang|She|Member of Garuda/Carrion|Decorated mask|1, 2, 3, 4|
|Timothy|He|Recently reappeared|Black coat|2|
|Jeeves Announcement AI|They|Telepresence avatar||3, 4, 5|
|Punishment|They|Armour||4, 5|
===== Kiwi =====
{{ photo_gm:gm_kiwi.jpg?200|GM Kiwi}}
^ Name ^ Pronoun ^ Description ^ Costume ^ Sessions ^
|Dr Marama Serafim / Asklepios|She|Head of the Hospitals Initiative for Gamasot Laboratories|Silver Cape/Labcoat, Mask With Snake, Blue Headscarf|1,2,3,4,5,6|
|Natalya Tamzen-Volkov|She|Chief Engineer Of the Core|Labcoat, Circuit Board Mask|1,4,6|
|Knight|They|PR Rep for JeevesCorp|Boiler Suit, Knights Helm Mask|1,2,4,5,6|
|Mortimer|They|Janitor at Kamalani Centre/LIFEDEATH|Ridiculous Beard, Overalls, Squirty Bottle/Cleaning Cloth|1,3,4|
|Beta [CAPTURED] [FREED]|He|Alien Member of the HEART|Blue Hair, Woolly Hat, Waistcoat, Jacket|2,4,5,6|
|Orion|He|Member of the Furies|Mask, cape|2|
|Prometheus|He|Bringer of Fire|Flaming Stick|2|
|Jo Smith|They|???|Faux-Military Jacket/Shirt, White Skirt|3,5|
|The Scarlet Point|He|Ex-Retired Supervillain|Mark with Red Triangles, White Wig, Green Jacket|3|
|LifeDeath|They|Universal Concept, The manifestation of life and death|Black Cloak, Face Masks|4,5,6|
|The Pigeon???|He|???|Looks Remarkably Like The Pigeon|5,6|
|Bjorn Ludvigsson|He|Employee of Gamasot|Australian Hat with Corks, Odd reptilianish mask|3?|
|Teresa Vitium-Price|She|Mother of Eric Vitium-Price|Shirt, skirt, blue scarf|6|
===== Mark =====
{{ photo_gm:gm_mark.jpg?200|GM Mark}}
|Ariel Vance|He|The Executive of Capital City|A black suit and tie|1,2,3,4,5,6|
|Quench [DEAD]|He|A Nexus, head of the Temple security force|Shades|1,2,3,4,5,6|
|Yuan Cho [DEAD]|He|Part of Polaris' R&D department|A black suit|1,2|
|TEDDY [AMALGMATED]|TEDDY|An AI|A large furry cloak|1,2|
|Bia|She|A Fury|A black mask|2,3,4,5,6|
|James Choi [ARRESTED]|He|CEO of Gamasot|A black suit|2,3,4,5,6|
|??? [MISSING]|He|???|Antlers|2|
|TALLY [DEACTIVATED]|She|Politically Neutral Voting AI|A Crown|3,4|
|Alpha|She|Boss of Bone Script|The Alpha Mask|3,4,5,6|
===== Michael =====
{{ photo_gm:gm_michael.jpg?200|GM Michael}}
|Johannes Kamalani|He|Manager of the Kamalani Centre|White shirt, blue waistcoat|1,2,3|
|Apollo|He|Commander of Oculus|Black and red shirt, suit jacket, black cape. Mask with silver and bronze circuit design and eye symbols|1,2,3|
|Alecto|They|Commander of Aegis, leader of the Furies|Armour and pistol. Mask with shield emblem and purple beams|1,2,3|
|Ranger|He|Head of Carrion|Black mask (red eyes to be added for session 3+), leather cloak |2,3|
|Prosopon|He|Serial Killer|Plain white mask|3|
|Tesla AKA Coil|He|Great scientist|Silver cloak, the most steampunky kit I can find at the time, mask with arc between two coils|3|
===== Nino =====
{{ photo_gm:gm_nino.jpg?200|GM Nino}}
^Name ^Pronoun ^Description ^Costume ^Sessions ^
|Crwydra|They|A Filidhean in Temple| Silver Cloak| 1|
|James Flemming|He| PR Representative |Black suit, fancy tie| 1|
|David Blake|He|CEO of Polaris |Black Suit and normal tie | 1|
| Ceres |She| Head of the Lotophagi, the SPEAR counter-smuggling subdivision|Cornucopia on mask |1 |
|Alex|He| Concerned citizen| Blue t- shirt| 1|