Table of Contents

The Committee Brief

This page tells you what you, as a member of the Committee, need or ought to know beyond public knowledge of this organisation. Please also note that the information available here is not all there is, it is simply what would be known to the ranks available at game start. As you progress in the organisation, more information may become available. Alternatively, you may come across things while investigating.

Whether you decide to share this information with others is up to you. However, the GMs ask that you relay this information in your own words instead of simply showing others the organisation brief, to maintain a sense of IC authenticity.

The GM in charge of the Committee is Mark. If you have any questions related to this organisation, feel free to get in touch with them.

Other Major Committees

The Security Committee

Recent events have left the Security Committee with more on its hands than ever before. Caught in a difficult balancing act, with SPEAR on one side and the World Government on the other, the Security Committee is regularly criticised by other powerful players. Despite its detractors, the committee does a good job of keeping the peace, and there are very few incidents of publicly illegal activity that go on for more than a couple of days.

The current Security Commissioner is August Geier, a keen proponent of high-security low-privacy policing.

The Economics Committee

With the current focus on advancing away from archaic monetary systems towards the Utopian Credit System, the Economics Committee is packed with the best and brightest that the world's academies have to offer. The committee is still working towards eradicating poverty in the city, but the optimists in its ranks believe that their goal is only a handful of years away.

The current Economics Commissioner is Odhiambo Jenkins, a friend of Ariel Vance from their Academy days. Odhiambo believes in high taxes and a state-provided basic income for all, and is highly vocal about the low buisiness taxes in the capital.

The Foreign Affairs Committee

The Foreign Affairs Committee has the most nebulously defined role of all the committees. Since Capital City is an international territory, there are no lands that are technically “foreign.” Furthermore, several World Government regulations prevent the city from discriminating between different countries. Nevertheless, the committee serves as a go-between between the Committee and the World Government, and helps to ensure that the capital's image is maintained all over the world.

The current Foreign Affairs Commissioner is Zhi Liu. Zhi's opponents criticise her for refusing to take a firm stance on anything important, but her determination to please everyone has given her many allies on the committee.

Current Events

Campaign Season Approaches

There are four weeks to go until the start of the official ten week campaign season for the Chancellors' elections. Ariel Vance is yet to announce his intentions to run for Executive for a third time, but there are few who doubt that he will do so soon. Candidates that have already stated their intentions include Chara-Lypi Colonomos, the Complaints Commissioner; Kristjana Dalgaad, who is soon to stand down from the European Subcouncil of the World Government; and Felicie Chaput, CEO of AMS Technologies. Candidates who are suspected to run, but have not yet announced that they will do so include Murdoch Marshall of the Security Committee; David Blake, CEO of Polaris Industries; and Amaryllis Amarillo of the World Freedom Alliance.

SPEAR Aggression

There are rumours that SPEAR is beginning another final crackdown on the Separatists. Whether they intend to consult the Committee before they do so is a matter up for debate, but some are calling for a motion to be presented to the Chancellors, to ask the World Government to introduce new penalties for if SPEAR do decide to neglect the law again.

A Garuda Motion

Another motion suggesting that some of the activities of Garuda, and similar organisations, should be legalised has been presented to the Security Committee. The arguments in favour the motion are familiar ones: regulation can only come through legislation, and disaster relief should be rewarded. Whether the motion will get any further than the last few remains to be seen.