”… It's not a coincidence, I tell you. There's this guy, right, this guy in shades and I swear he's around in all these different points in history. Always in the background, just, I don't know, watching? Waiting? He's in cave paintings, old photographs, right behind some other people in a couple of old paintings. Even a hieroglyph somewhere - if I can ever find that picture again. And I'm sure I'm just scratching the surface. If these are just the recorded instances of sightings of this guy in shades, well, I can't imagine how many unrecorded instances there are…”
- Blog entry from Super Hub user histor_i; part of the ongoing historical conspiracies series
“Yeah, he's a pretty good janitor. No complaints here. He gets the work done, makes things spick and span. Empties the bins, locks the doors when he's done. Not sure why he wears those shades, but don't let it put you off. He does some excellent work.”
- Recorded from janitorial referee phone call. Stored under high security.
“I dunno, man, sometimes I think that janitor's really seen some stuff. Under those shades, I swear, nothing phases him. It's like he's seen everything and now he's just here to clean up the mess.”
- Conversation heard in passing