“After the revelations which came out during the Crisis of corruption in SPEAR, a sweeping program of reforms was started, spearheaded by Avalon, Merlin (formerly known as Anathema), Menoetius, The Arcane Archer, Galahad (Sam Marvin), and VIrTuAL AdEpT. While Menoetius remained in SPEAR proper, and worked to unite the formerly disparate divisions, the others formed a watchdog organisation - the Knights of the Round Table.”

“Aegis, Oculus, and Gladius were amalgamated into a single organisation, headed by a triumvirate which was initially composed of the three former Commanders - Alecto, Apollo, and Phalanx (Minerva having retired shortly after the Crisis). However, rather than the previous system where each Commander was responsible for their own Division, in the new order each of them took joint responsibility for all parts of the organisation. Intelligence was much more widely available within the organisation, based on a principle of hiding only what absolutely must be hidden, rather than only telling operatives what they needed to know. Following Alecto's death is 2078, Menoetius was promoted to the triumvirate.”

“The Knights of the Round Table acted as an external watchdog - ensuring that the previous corruption never got a chance to take root, and keeping SPEAR accountable to all. Merlin acted as their insider in SPEAR, making sure that the reports they were receiving tallied up with what was known inside the organisation, while the others kept a watchful eye on the intel coming out, and ensured that everything was running smoothly - as well as helping SPEAR when required.”

“With the new foundation of trust, SPEAR managed to weather the collapse of the World Government, and remain as an international security organisation, working closely with national forces.”

Extract from “SPEAR - A History” by John Bors

2152 - VIrTuAL AdEpT's Safeguard

“Commander1), everything is in place. At your orders, Operation: Reunification will begin. Wait… Commander, the computer's aren't responding! They're publishing everything! We can't stop them. Whatever we ask them to do, we just get… a recipe? What the hell? Why would you even want to mix coffee and mountain dew?”

1) for the sake of clarity, all the SPEAR PCs have long since retired by this point