Table of Contents

The Furies Brief

This page tells you what you, as a member of The Furies, need or ought to know beyond public knowledge of this organisation. Please also note that the information available here is not all there is, it is simply what would be known to the ranks available at game start. As you progress in the organisation, more information may become available. Alternatively, you may come across things while investigating.

Whether you decide to share this information with others is up to you. However, the GMs ask that you relay this information in your own words instead of simply showing others the organisation brief, to maintain a sense of IC authenticity.

The GM in charge of this organisation is Mike. If you have any questions related to this organisation, feel free to get in touch with them.


The Furies were founded in 2032, as a specialist unit to deal with the growing number of large threats. The then-Commander, Zeus, led the squad himself, along with 6 other specially selected members. There have been 7 members ever since, with a new one being selected from the Aegis ranks whenever someone leaves, dies, or is demoted.

The Furies


Alecto is the overall commander of Aegis, and the leader of the Furies. Their nanites make them one of the most capable fighters of the bunch (second only to Bia) and also dramatically improve the capabilities of those they fight alongside. While you are in Alecto's presence, you feel much stronger and more energised, and small wounds will heal themselves (though serious injuries will still take you out of the fight). They will generally attempt to be present on missions, but often their other duties will prevent this. As well as the nanites, Alecto has their own laser rifle, which appears to be able to focus the beam to damage only the intended target, and cause minimal harm to anything else in the line of fire (whether in front or behind the target). This rifle is coded to only work when Alecto themself is using it.


(see also Avalon)

The newest member of the Furies, Avalon joined the subdivision about a year ago, following a meteoric rise from the Lookout, and the death of Neptune at the hands of One. While Alecto has given her some good-natured ribbing about taking a superhero name from the wrong mythology, they can't deny that Avalon's tendancy to stride into battle with a longsword evokes Arthurian legend more than Greco-Roman myth.


Bia is probably the best fighter in the Furies, but she has a habit of taking things much to far, and a stubborn streak which puts her and Alecto at odds more often than not. Bia has a suite of cybernetic enhancements which store and redistribute the energy of her movements, using it to amplify subsequent blows. Effectively, this means that her second punch will hit harder than her first, her third will hit harder than that, and so on until she becomes a blur of violence. Unfortunately, after she tinkered with the safety overrides a little too much, if she pushes too hard then the forces involved have a tendency to shatter the rather more fragile human parts of her body.

Bia is currently on probation after killing the supervillain Malachite on what should have been a simple capture mission. She has not given any adequate reason why she failed to bring him in.


Eris is an illusionist, able to conjure visions to confuse all who surround her, and to make objects invisible at will. Her favourite trick is to adjust the layout of the walls during a chase, so that the quarry runs into the back of the waiting Aegis van, and doesn't even see it until the doors slam shut behind them. She has two pairs of dark glasses which, when worn, obscure the vision of the wearer somewhat, but allow them to see through her illusions. She's not particularly quick, and just about anyone could take her down in a fair fight, but she's very good at making sure that no one gets the chance for a fair fight.


(see also Menoetius)

Menoetius is recognised as one of the more skilled all-rounders of the group, able to hold his own in combat, doggedly pursue a lead, or solve crimes which leave others stumped. It's just a little unfortunate that he has a tendency to ignore his orders, and focus on his personal investigations a little too much.


Orion is the lead investigator of the Furies. While he is probably slightly less skilled than Menoetius, he makes up for it by actually focussing on the job he's been told to do.


(see also Prometheus)

The longest standing member of The Furies1), pretty much by default as he has been present since the subdivision was founded. He's been passed over for promotion to Commander a couple times, but never seems to have held a grudge, and Alecto has found his wealth of experience invaluable, especially when their own grudges against the separatists get in the way of their work.

Mission Protocol

Generally, the Furies will work individually or in pairs, on whatever tasks they are assigned by Alecto. For particularly important targets, a group of 3 or 4 will be assigned to bring them in. There are protocols in place for all of the Furies to go after a single foe, but these have never been deemed necessary, and require the authorisation of both the other Commanders of SPEAR (as pulling the Furies away from all of their other cases could prove disastrous).

What we Really Think


“Let them take the easy ones, that means we get to have the fun cases” - Bia

The Lookout

“Oh, I'm sure it's very noble and important, I just don't see why we have good operatives running around doing things that the Ordinary police could handle just as well. Waste of talent if you ask me. No offence Avalon.” - Orion

Pre-Summit Briefing

“Alright, here's the plan. Avalon, Menoetius, Prometheus, I want you at the Summits. Menoetius, you're there to work out what the fuck has happened to the Moon, and who we need to take in for it. Until that's resolved, or it's serious enough that we need to go out in force, you're off all your other cases. Yes, even the Prosopon case, your team can handle that while you're working on this. Avalon and Prometheus, you're there to see if you can pick up any leads on our other targets - the Separatists are a priority as always, but if the Heart send people, or there are any others we need to keep an eye on, then you go after them.”

“Once the meeting is over, Menoetius keeps working on the Moon thing, Bia, Avalon, and Orion go after Tigress. That piece of shit's caused us a lot of embarrassment, and we need to bring her in. Apollo is setting some Oculus agents to tracking her, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't do out own legwork as well. Avalon, you take the lead on this one, I want to see the look on her face when you bring her in. Prometheus, I'll leave it up to your judgement which leads to pursue from the Summit.”

“I'll be back here, compiling all the intel you and Apollo get for me from the summits. We're not going to get a chance like this again, everyone in one place and running their mouths off should let us find out quite a bit. Don't try and pull anyone in at the summits themselves yet, hopefully if we leave the minnows for now, it'll lead us to one of the sharks later - plus we need to find out what's causing the anti-violence field before we'd be able to snatch anyone.”

Organisation News

Turn 1 News
Turn 2 News
Turn 3 News
Turn 4 News
Turn 5 News
Turn 6 News

1) by most people's count anyway. Technically, Alecto could claim this title, as they were a member for several years prior to time travelling from the future