“Avalon, good to have you back - but pull another stunt like that and I'll turn you inside out, are we clear? Menoetius, great work with the Cabal. Prometheus, at least there's no conflict of interest any more, given that Temple seems to be a slowly cooling lake of glass…”
“Right, Orion's taking up his Garuda liaison position permanently, so we're back down to 7. And we're going to need all of you active for this one - we need to get Parliament back, with minimal casualties, and catch whoever is responsible. Given the timing, they're probably going to make their demands at the Summit, so keep an ear to the ground, and grab some leads to follow up. Prometheus - you're on point for this one, get the strike team organised, and go in hard and fast. Menoetius, you're on intel. The rest of you, do what they say.