Pre-session briefing

“Alright you lot, we have a mission which needs all of us. Scream Shifter is out, and we need to get her back. She's powerful, pretty much insane, and has a grudge against the World Government. She thinks she did us a favour in California, and we unjustly imprisoned her - current intel is that she's going to repeat her little stunt of bringing down the house either here on in Parliament. Also, she killed Eris during her escape, so this is personal. The seven - six - of us are going after her. Good news is, she's not that subtle, so Orion should find it pretty easy to find her. Bad news is, Eris was about the only one who could counter her powers - she can neutralise the sound to some extent with her illusions. It won't stop Scream Shifter destroying the building, but it'll stop your brain leaking out of your ears when she whistles.”

“Other than that, continue with your current investigations. Avalon, I notice that we don't seem to have Morgana in a cell yet - bring her in, or I might not bother getting you out of one the next time you get caught on mission. Menoetius, if that report is right, then you know where you need to be - stop Prosopon before we get another big problem on our hands. Bia - go after Stampede. He's big, strong, and stupid - sounds like just your type. Prometheus - go for Buzz, no point in everyone saving the Science Park if some nutter goes and destroys it. Orion - Encantando. Track them, and make sure the cargo ships get steered around them.”

“We need help in this - round up those who can fight at the Summit, and get them talking to Phalanx so he can divide them up among the ones we can't handle. Don't be a fool - if you need help, get help. I'm already having to look for one person to promote, don't make me to the paperwork for a second one! Phalanx can hold the fort for a couple hours.”

“The hell are you waiting for? MOVE OUT”


briefs/furies/turn_3_news.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/19 11:57 by gm_michael
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