Good work on the missing persons folks! It looks like most of them have reappeared, thanks in no small part to your valiant efforts! However, all is not yet well - many of them seem to have gained superpowers during thier disappearances, and are having trouble adapting to them. Also, there seem to be several who have emerged extremely confused, thinking that they have arrived from the past - the sheer number and range of dates makes this unlikely to be true, so it's probably some kind of confusion as a reult of their capture. Any of you who can help rehabilitate them and clear up what went on, please do so!
Any further clues as to who is behind these mysterious happenings would also be appreciated - but for now, we have a lot of very confused, very lost people who we need to help readjust to their lives.
Several of Capital City's beautiful parks have been damaged over the last few weeks - both by the Candyland debacle which I'm sure you've all heard about, and by a major fracas which seems to be centred around the super known as The Pigeon. It seems his mere presence attracted swarms of birds, cats, and all manner of other creatures, and the result is that the park is seriously damaged. If possible, I'd like to get a few people on cleanup detail to assist the city planners, and maybe someone to keep and eye on The Pigeon as he seems to be making a habit of this sort of thing.