In recognition of the total fuckup, as neatly summarised by the collection of news articles which are in each of your personal briefings, this month's code exchange is:
“Man, everything's going to shit right now, isn't it?”
“Sure is, even the best of the best just seem to generate more issues”
“Well, I guess we've just got to soldier on and try not to make it any worse!”
“Sure, what's the worst that could happen, right?”
(This order has the unmistakable sensation of something which came direct from Minerva)
“Alright, the situation looks bad, but it might drive some of our enemies out of the woodwork. Firstly, it seems that the source of the dossiers that got leaked to every hack who ever thought about writing a blog was Murdoch Marshall - get me what you can on him, I don't want him taking a dump without someone noting it down and seeing if what he had for breakfast yesterday had possible separatist links, got it? I will not let this organisation be a springboard for some jumped-up politico who can't even sign his name to what he spews out.” - Apollo
“Thanks to the hard work of the Furies, and a little off-the-books help from one of our own, we have several separatists waiting in the holding cells. This includes Tigress herself. We need to know what they know - nothing too unsavoury, the media have already gotten wind of some of our earlier operations, and it would be a shame to give them something they can prove. Just question them, work out their next target, and whatever you can about their organisation. They've been kept isolated for the past week, so they've had no time to come up with a shared story, and should be just about begging for some human interaction by now.” - Orcus
“As you're well aware, One was present at the last meeting. As you're also hopefully aware, they're on the most wanted list, and for good reason. We need more insiders in the Heart - any means necessary are authorised to gain their trust, so long as you can deliver their leaders.” - Apollo