Task board

Power Cuts

A successful covert operation managed to take out several transformer stations within Capital City. Grey Wolf used the resulting blackout to trace SPEAR data centres and their main cyber defences. The action proved very helpful in narrowing down the identity of ARGOS and also helped to highlight some future targets for attacks. Furthermore, the action also provided some indication of lucrative future targets.

Tigress freed

Tigress was freed after the daring action of one separatist in particular. Although a debrief with her has revealed that she was tortured and offered up some information to SPEAR agents interrogating her, the fact that she was rescued is a major win for the Separatists. This action is a signal to the world that we leave no one behind and that we stand by our motto. United we stand divided we fall.

Promising new members

As clear from the above news, the Capital City chapter of the Separatists is proud to say that it has some of the finest members of the entire organisation. If it weren't for the selfless sacrifice of two unnamed but honoured members, Tigress wouldn't have been freed and would probably still be tortured by SPEAR forces. Similarly, the brave actions of new recruits managed to shut down SPEAR's data centres, rendering most of Oculus blind and allowing Grey Wolf to get a trace on ARGOS. The Master is proud to announce that the individual operatives have been given specific offers to operate within higher ranks of the organisation to help bring SPEAR to its knees.


Due to the successful covert operation shutting down the power in Capital City, Grey Wolf has managed to discern more information on ARGOS. Due to the lack of radio chatter or an organised counter attack, Grey Wolf estimates that ARGOS is the codename for a powerful AI working with SPEAR. From the radio transmissions that were picked up, further targets beyond SPEAR agents include Akane Shio, a Gamasot hacker who sold her abilities to SPEAR. If engaging with her or with any SPEAR personnel during the summits or as part of personal tasks, utmost caution is advised.


The Master wants everyone to know that they have decided that supporting Marshall Murdoch in the upcoming elections will benefit our cause greatly. Whatever you can do to secure his election will be greatly appreciated.

Leaked Documents

The documents obtained by Tigress have been distributed, and are now available to all of you here.



  • Break out other prisoners. Lynx with all the details

Intel- gathering

  • Get Murdoch elected. Grey Wolf with the details.

Logistics/ Equipment

  • Get weapons, equipment, blue prints etc. Contact Lynx or speak to Silver Fox at the summits.

Codes and Ciphers

To enable secret contact with other members, the following ciphers are to be used.

  • Challenge 1: “Were you affected by the power cuts?”
  • Response 1: “No, I live downtown.”

Nonverbal ciphers are not to be used after possibility of the code being compromised.

briefs/separatists/turn_2_news.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/12 08:21 by gm_nino
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