Task board

Grey Wolf is Dead

Tragically, Grey Wolf died as a result of a raid against her secret hideout. We are currently thinking that this was a kill team. We have indication that Grey Wolf managed to send an emergency transmission to an agent, but we are as yet unaware of the contents. Without Grey Wolf, much of our intelligence network and technical overwatch is compromised. We need to fill the ranks again.



All members, we have waited long enough. We know their names, we can take the fight to them, or hire professionals to do it for us. They got Tigress and Grey Wolf already, how many more before we act? I'm putting together strike teams to take outApollo, Prometheus and Menoetius of the Furies, any other targets that spring up are more than welcome.

Ocelot- New head of operations

Caution Advised

Although we have suffered a grave loss with Grey Wolf, I urge you all to remain calm and keep a low profile. With Marshall as the new Executive, we can look forward to less and less resources going to SPEAR, which means that we just have to wait them out. Anything rash now will give them further ammunition, whereas right now they are the ones seeming to be overly cruel and repressive by taking justice in their own hands.

Silver Fox- New Head of Intel- Gathering

Loss of Tigress and Underwood

Despite Leroi Underwood aka Deaddrop's heroic actions in freeing Tigress, she is no longer an asset and has gone AWOL. She is unlikely to be a threat and as such little priority should be given to find her whereabouts.

Furthermore, Underwood himself has been arrested and is currently believed to be held in Tartarus. Again, low- priority asset with little potential to harm the organisation.

Leaked Documents

The documents obtained by Tigress have been distributed, and are now available to all of you here.



  • Strike teams under Ocelot to target the Furies and Apollo

Intel- gathering

  • Silver Fox requires any information on Furies Prometheus, Menoetius and, to a lesser degree Avalon. Furthermore, close surveillance of chancellor Peter O'Neil is advised.

Logistics/ Equipment

  • Get weapons, equipment, blue prints etc. Contact Lynx or speak to Silver Fox at the summits.

Codes and Ciphers

To enable secret contact with other members, the following ciphers are to be used.

  • Challenge 1: “Did you vote for Marshall?”
  • Response 1: “No, I abstained. Had I voted, I'd have voted for Vance though.”

Nonverbal ciphers are not to be used after possibility of the code being compromised.

briefs/separatists/turn_3_news.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/26 10:38 by gm_nino
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