Have you seen the Closest Continuer's latest quiz? You get to rate your favourite iteration, and mark if they're up to anything cool. I don't care what anyone else says, clearly iteration 149 is the best. 67 is a close second though. Also have you guys seen the picture of Markus DeLantos? He's like the ORIGINAL Closest Continuer. Pretty cool huh?
Did anyone else nearly die of fright watching the Magnificent Magpie breaking in to Noble Keep? Talk about a tense ride, and those traps! I could hardly watch! What mastery the thief showed, teleporting past the blades of death, confusing the killer drones and dodging all the lasers! Were those the British crown jewels I spotted? And that sneaking technique! Does it get any better than this???
So I was at the Summits and Murdoch Marshall said that the internet might go down. I made sure he went to sort it out, how else would we have superhub?! Anyway apparently things are all sorted, so we aint going down any time soon