Super Hub Turn 6 News

Will Drift's EPIC Party

Oh my god did you go to Will's AWESOME PARTY?! The Closest Continuer was there, some guy named drifter showed up then disappeared in the middle of it all. Best. Party. Ever.

Although I think there may have been some significant property damage to the surrounding area…

Watchtower's Sweet Pics!

Have you seen Watchtowers pics? Super Sweet! They're all, like, not selfies, but they're still awesome! Underwater shots of the Core, Temple full of fire and Bogeymen, Bunyips roaming wild, what more could you want from one album?


So we thought they were dead, but oh no. VIrTuAl AdEpT has made an almighty comeback to our humble servers. We've missed him!

briefs/super_hub/turn_6_news.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/09 08:57 by gm_cameron
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