The Heart Turn 1 News

Rumours of Betrayal

It is a well-established fact that those in the Heart are free to simultaneously join whatever other organisations they please under one1) condition: the Heart's secrets are your secrets, and selling them on will hurt no one more than you. Reports from Senary confirm that there are those who seem to have forgotten the high cost of betrayal. These traitors should be found. And they should be reminded.

New Exhibition

A touring exhibition of a famous artist from the 20th century, Lydia Sanderson, is stopping in Capital City for the next two months. These paintings are known for their bold colour choices and absurdly high value. Word has it that Prime is also a big fan of her work, and is willing to arrange a trade - and for something considerably easier to fence.

1) In reality, there are several conditions, but this is the one most often emphasised
briefs/the_heart/turn_1_news.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/05 16:39 by gm_mark
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