Turn 1 - The Magisters' News

A False Alitheia?

I have heard about some things that some think are like our Alitheia. Nonsense, I say to them, but they say to me that that is not so. They said to me that the Oracle of SPEAR and that book that One of Heart is so fond of are much like that which we know is true, but I say that they can't be true. If you could deny these rumours for me, I would probably thank you.” - Magister Excogitatoris

A Healing Hand

Following his bout of illness, I'm pleased to announce that Magister Mendacium is back on his feet, thanks to the Adherent Alan.” - Magister Caelibi

briefs/the_magisters/turn_1_news.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/05 09:30 by gm_mark
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