Turn 2 - The Magisters' News

Mustang Overlooked

If I were Magister Mustang, which I'm not, then maybe I would be feeling annoyed that my name wasn't on the list. Well, if I were Excogitatoris, which I am, then I might also be feeling such a thing. Which I am. Everybody, hear this: I am furious. Outraged. What could I possibly not have done that I needed to do, or done that I needed not to do?” - Magister Excogitatoris


I think that if you think you can think what I'm thinking, then you'd be thinking that you heard our secrets in the wrong circles. I don't know who is telling what, or why they are telling what they tell to those who they tell it to, but I for one would like to know who it is that's talking.” - Magister Excogitatoris

briefs/the_magisters/turn_2_news.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/12 11:40 by gm_cameron
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