”I was walking where I had every right to walk, and where I knew where I was walking, and I ended up where I expected to end up. I don't imagine that you might think that had happened in many a year, but I know that I always arrive where I want to and when I want to, and don't you forget it.” - Magister Excogitatorius
”Thank you, Mustang, and keep up the good work. You've finally managed to shut the windbag up. I hope you can keep him that way. For those of you who don't know, we're now looking up to Mustang. You can all ignore Excogitatorius. Yes, that's right. We don't have to listen to his ridiculous speeches any more.” - Magister Caelibi
”I don't know what Siren, Caitlin, Laurie and Lassitude are doing skulking around by the caverns, where, I might add, they have very little right to skulk. I want to know what's going on, and I'm sure I can find some trinket or other of immense power for whoever tells me.” - Magister Excogitatorius