The Rothwell Science Park Turn 2 Newsletter

Building Works on Paths now Completed

The paths in the North-West edge of the park have been completed, and are now open. Please be cautious at night, as lighting has not been installed.

Corke Building Damaged

We apologise for the mess in the Corke Building, a rather large and vicious plant has caused some severe damage. Work has already begun to repair the interior.

New Samples of Moon Goop

Another successful mission to the moon has retrieved several new samples of this mysterious black goop. It is highly dangerous if not properly contained, if any is seen un-monitored in the Park please contact site security immediately.

Space... Something?

An unexpected result of the latest moon mission was the discovery of some sort of portal from one side of the planet to the other. It is located out in space, just past the moon, and was discovered when the shuttle went off course.

Further Satellites have been deployed to investigate this further, and while the scans are not yet complete, it seems that these “portals” are rather large.


Contrary to our previous statement, it appears the path on the north-west edge is glowing, and is fairly easy to navigate in the dark. We have run tests and confirmed that this glow is not in fact dangerous.

briefs/the_rothwell_science_park/turn_2_news.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/12 05:11 by gm_cameron
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