Super Hub Turn 3 News


So apparently that thing about Rothwell actually being a summoning circle is actually true. The Closest Continuer even posted some pics with a demon IN ROTHWELL. HE COULD HAVE DIED D:

But we, the dutiful internet, have to get to teh bottom of this. I mean the science park was being redeveloped. The building schedule1) shows the last paths were due to be laid recently, which would mean although the design is like 20 years old, the glyph would have only just been completed. Alicia Perkins, the architect behind the project, has a lot to answer for.

From the Closest Continuer himself

Gamasot are total lamers for deleing all the awesome campaign photos from my account. WHAT ARE THEY HIDING???

1) don't ask me how I got it
briefs/super_hub/turn_3_news.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/19 12:00 by gm_cameron
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