
“Yeah, I was there. It's a long time ago now, but it made me who I am today - pretty literally you might say. The history books will tell you that it was some great organisational feat, showing that multinational initiatives could be done without the need for the World Government, and spoilt by only a few bad apples who the rest of us overcame. Bollocks. Truth is, it was chaotic, unruly, factionalised, and for the first 3 Summits no-one save the Constants themselves had the slightest clue what was going on.”

“Still, I made a lot of good friends, some of who are lucky enough to still be around, and I discovered what I could do if I put my mind to it.”

“Anyway, same as always, there's an offer open for any who want to take it. I can't give you eternal life, can't let you fight on forever as a force of justice, but I can give you something pretty close. Once you're old, done, the Rejuvinations have run out, and you're ready to go on, you'll have a choice. You can die, meet Death, and see whatever there is beyond the blackness. You can upload, join the hoards of souls in cyberspace, and steadily drift away from caring about mere mortals like the rest of them, or you can join the Deck. It's a one way trip, but there's plenty of company there, and while you won't be fighting crime yourself, I'll be able to use your powers for good.”

Roulette, speaking at an interview on the 200th anniversary of the reunification of Justice.

eternity/roulette.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/23 22:36 by gm_cameron
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